Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 1 Travel

We arrived in China and at our hotel at about 11:30 p.m. Beijing time, July 9.  This was about 27 hours after we left home on July 8.  We changed planes in Minneapolis and Tokyo.   We encountered no problems, but we need rest.  Tomorrow, we begin exploring. 

In the Tokyo Airport, while looking for our gate, we met Dave, a professional photographer based in Berkely, CA.  He is a veteran China traveler, and showed us how to use a VPN to get to this blog while we are in China.  We also met Marcia, a Professor from Oral Roberts University.  She is visiting her students who are doing a project in China.

Pictures (Click on picture to enlarge, use back arrow to return):  Plane from Minneapolis to Tokyo (in Tokyo); Judy, Dwight, and Marcia (in Beijing Airport).

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